AWS back-of-envelope latency measure
Network Roundtrip latency between two instances in the same AZ: sub-millisecond Roundtrip latency between two instances in a different AZ in the same Region: single-digit millisecond Data Transformation costs money. DynamoDB is cross-region replication by default so I assume normally it won’t cost money Data in/out ALB may not cost money if they are in same VPC (not sure) Service DynamoDB: Single-digit millisecond RDS: Single-digit millisecond Redis: sub-millisecond E2E The following data come from real traffic; and since our ECS is multi-region so the data includes traffic between different AZs. EC2 to Salesforce: p95 1s p50 0.6s (upsert) EC2 to DynamoDB: p95 around 20ms p50 20ms (read&write) EC2 to RDS:…
欧路词典真的挺好用的,Mac版本需要150多块钱。 教程如下: 文字版 1.安装任意版本的欧路词典,打开一次并退出。 2.打开Finder前往”~/Library/Preferences”找到com.eusoft.eudic.plist文件。 3.使用PlistEdit Pro打开,修改MAIN_TimesLeft中的数值为820711(试用天数)。 4.将文件锁定、改为只读。 Notes: If you don’t have PlistEdit Pro, you can use https://github.com/ic005k/Xplist/releases/tag/1.2.47 Actually even the PlistEdit Pro shows expired it seems still saved the file anyways.
After upgrading Ubuntu Workpress stopped working
The reason is php got updated to 8. Just do: apt-get install php8.0-mysql And restart your apache sudo service apache2 restart Update on Jan 21, 2023 after upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04, all php shows source code: Then showing “`Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which Is required by WordPress`” again:
ReadTimeout on starting docker compose
Here is the exception that I got every time I try to start my docker compose: ERROR: for webdav HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=2375): Read timed out. (read timeout=60) First thing first, it’s not a network issue. After some investigation, it turns out to be that the volume I am mapping to one of containers just not able to access: mysql: restart: unless-stopped image: "percona:5.7" ports: - "23307:3307" environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: "developer" MYSQL_DATABASE: "zapps_amq" MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD: "yes" MYSQL_USER: zuora MYSQL_PASSWORD: password volumes: - /mnt/zuora/application/billing/docker/infra/mysql/conf:/etc/mysql:ro - /mnt/zuora/application/billing/docker/infra/mysql/initdb.d:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d:rw So it seems that it timeouts when trying to mount the volume. The error message is really mis leading.
How to change default port for Apache2
This example is for Ubuntu. Run sudo apachectl -S to check which conf file you are using. The result is something like: Then update the file /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf. Change the default file in that file. You need to change another file /etc/apache2/ports.conf. to update it to the right port. Restart apache sudo service apache2 restart Then check the status: sudo apachectl -S Done.
Protected: Amazon Technical Online Assessment
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How to handle storage running out of space issue in linux
If you run out of space in one disk and you want to add a new one but you would like to move the existing data to the new disk, what would you do? Step 1: Identify the big folder Identify the folder which has the biggest files and you want to move. Here is the command you may want to run: -S Do not include the size of subdirectories. This is very useful and it would exclude the parent folder if the child folder on the list already. This would save you a lot of trouble to de-dup. the two -h should use together. We list the human readable…
Protected: My Management Life in Z
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Z Company Service Level Object
Remove wordpress.org from Meta widget in wordpress website
Go to folder “wp-includes/widgets/class-wp-widget-meta.php”, And comment out following section: Please note that you have to do it again if you upgrade your wordpress.