Issues to switch to Xfinity Gateway (Router Changes)
There are several things we need to do to make things easier when change router You will run into following issues: Next time, if I want to change router, most of smart device would just work but I need to: Notes Limitation on the Xfinity Gateway Pending issue
After upgrading Ubuntu Workpress stopped working
The reason is php got updated to 8. Just do: apt-get install php8.0-mysql And restart your apache sudo service apache2 restart Update on Jan 21, 2023 after upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04, all php shows source code: Then showing “`Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which Is required by WordPress`” again:
Remove from Meta widget in wordpress website
Go to folder “wp-includes/widgets/class-wp-widget-meta.php”, And comment out following section: Please note that you have to do it again if you upgrade your wordpress.
调整Ashe Theme的标题图片高度
WordPress有一个很好的免费插件Ashe。有一个很大的问题是免费版本的不能调整高度,默认高度500pt实在是太大了。不放那个header图片网站又显得太空荡。 研究后发现可以在目录/wp-content/themes/ashe/assets/css/responsive.css 里面搜索下面字段: 把高度更改了就好了。 注意的是浏览器通常有缓存,需要清除缓存才可以生效。