Paper size for printing photos
I was always thinking the normal print paper is A4, but when I try to use it to print borderless pictures. It turns out it should be US Letter. There is a slightly difference in size between US letter and A4. For normal printing with a border anyway, it doesn’t matter too much.
Electric Planner for Ebook
Tested in Kindle Scribe, works great! Download Link
Outside杂志中一篇文章讲了咖啡因和咖啡的区别。啰啰嗦嗦半天其实也没啥结论。不过文章中倒是有一些信息还挺有用的。 根据研究表明每千克体重摄取3-6毫克的咖啡会对运动有帮助。如果70公斤的话,那就是210毫克到420毫克。基本上星巴克的大杯咖啡需要2杯以上了。 下次比赛前可以试试。 奥运会的咖啡因标准是差不多4-5杯以内都没事。最佳饮用咖啡因的时间是运动前30-60分钟。 The specialists at Memorial Hermann | Rockets Sports Medicine Institute believes the optimum time to consume caffeine is 30 to 60 minutes prior to a sports activity and the optimum amount before endurance events is two to three cups of regular coffee. Caffeine can increase performance in endurance sports, but just like overtraining for a sport, too much of a good thing can actually hurt their performance.,the%20substance%20is%20considered%20illegal.
Breville Espresso Machine Descale/Cleaning
I always struggle to remember what’s descaling and what is cleaning. So here you are Blinking Cleanning. Push Single&Double button and then press Power button. Put tablet into the cage and let it run for 5 mins. Easy! Solid Light Descaling. Push Double button and then press Power button. Put scale powder into the water tank then do cycles.
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从今年上半年开始慢慢滑陆地冲浪板,时间不算多,断断续续也坚持了几个月。Carver的所有的Truck类型都买回来了,C7,CX和C5. 不同的Deck也买了好几个,有双翘的,鱼尾的,传统滑板Deck的。为了对比还自己组装了一个传统的滑板,其实也没怎么滑。 也看了Youtube上所有知名陆地冲浪板的视频,结合自己的经验讲一讲对这些不同的Truck和Deck的认识。 C7, CX and C5 Truck的对比 简单来讲就是C7,Cx和C5按顺序顺滑程度逐渐下降。C7最灵活,滑动的感觉最好,Cx稍微没那么灵活,因为是bushing结构回弹的感觉更好(这个可以更换Bushing的软硬来调节)。这两种其实如果习惯了滑一种,基本不会抱怨的。不过一旦从Cx转到C7,立刻感觉到灵活的非常多。不过因为C7的灵活,让pushing变得更难一些,因为一旦用力,板上的脚如果没有在中间,就会出现板体的歪斜。 C5呢,按照Carver的定义,应该是可以做各种传统滑板trick的类型,不过对于一个陆地冲浪板,滑行的感觉太差了,非常迟钝,尤其是刚滑完Cx或者C7,再用C5就像一块木头一样。。这可能也是各路大神其实很少有用C5的,除了官方的一些宣传片以外。 重量来说,C7最重,Cx次之,C5最轻。 板型 横向凹陷程度 基本上有两种类型,一种横向凹陷程度深,也就是像一个船一样的内凹,一种是基本上很平的。凹陷程度深的自然lock的感觉强烈一些。不过根据我自己的感觉,一般在大幅度滑行以后就算是很平的板面脚也很少左右滑动,更多的是当用力的时候前脚会向前位移。 深凹的板面会影响站立的舒适度,并且上板下板的时候前脚改变方向的时候稍微有影响。基本上我觉得是不是深凹影响不大,个人倾向于平一点的,其实更舒服。 板尾翘起的程度 板尾翘起来高自然lock也会好一些,但是就像脚不会左右移动一样,后脚我觉得一般也不会移动。板尾翘起来可能有利于做一些抬起的动作。 板尾翘起来有一个不利的地方是当做急转的时候,双脚需要向前用力push,需要有侧向对板的力。这时候因为后脚踩在翘起来的板尾上,很多力量其实被分配到向后push,而不是侧向push,这个感觉很明显。 所以对于急转急停,板尾平一点的其实更好。 板头翘起的程度 板头翘起会预防脚往前滑。脚的确在滑行过程中会往前移动,但是因为truck必须固定在平面,所以当脚轻微滑动的时候,板头翘起其实并不会帮助太多。除非真的脚往前大幅度移动,不过这种情况我自己我还没有遇到过。 很多板头平的版型一般设计的都是尖头,并且很短,所以其实就算脚往前移动,因为前面尖,着力点小,真的能大力让身体失去平衡估计也挺难的。 总结 凹陷程度大,板头板尾翘起总的来说至少从心理上能给人安全感,可能这也是这种版型越来越流行的原因。不过根据个人经验我不觉得平的板,短的板头真的会有什么问题,至少对大多数人是这样。 平且短的板体更舒适,更轻,其实绝大情况下感觉更好。
Nikon D610 + 85 1.4D vs Panasonic GH5 + 42.5 1.2
Low light performance comparison: The focus point is on letter P. On the left it’s Nikon with ISO 2000 and on the right it’s Panasonic with ISO 1600. Nikon has better ISO performance. Perspective Effect: If we look at the background the sofa on the left is bigger and the front object is actually relatively smaller. We can tell the difference between 85mm and 42.5mm. The view of field are same but the perspective effect is different.
Clew is so special (clew bindings for snowboard)
Clew closes its own website during the off season. This is so special and I don’t understand why they are doing this:
On Cloudboom Review
This is my first time to by a running shoes. This is a carbon fiber racing shoe. The time I put it on I feel the difference. I do feel the cushioning on the heel and it’s very stiff on the toe side. And even more significant is I feel the heal to toe drop immediately that the shoe pushes me forward very obviously. It actually feels good.. I took it to a run in my front door, Feel good too. My left knee got injured before and I still feel uncomfortable while I am running. I was planning to return since, since I bought Hoka Bonni 8; but I…
Life is so short (thought after watching Top Gun 2).
The original Top Gun released in 1986 when I was 6. The second sequel Top Gun maverick released in 2021 when I was 41. It was 35 years! Another 35 years I will be 76 year old. Tom Cruise was born in 1962 and he will be 95 yeah old if we have the third sequel with the same cadency.. It just makes me feel so unreal that life is just so short