• Management,  技术

    How to build company culture?

    Managers and leaders play an important role to build up company culture. The culture may start with senior leadership team but every employee should be able to feel the culture. As a manager, what exactly we can do to build culture? Long term benefit over short term gain. As a manager, you need to make sure the code quality is good to be easily maintained and be able to scale for long term growth. Other than rush to delivery one feature. Everything should be able to be themselves. Create a flexible and open environment. Everybody is different, people may or may not want to show their face during Zoom call.…

  • Management,  技术

    What keep people stay in company for more than 5 years? (How to retain talent?)

    One of the top factors keeping professionals at their company is having a strong workspace benefits; it’s around 44%. Nothing fancy here and we should respect the simple truth that people work because they need to live a better life. Benefits including those common stuff: PTO, parental leave and health insurance. More importantly, intangible areas that matters to employees are: work-life balance and flexibility (51%) foster a culture where they can be themselves (47%) Have a positive impact on society (46%) Perks like free food and game rooms are good but the research shows this is actually one of the least enticing factors for keeping people at their current company…

  • Docker,  技术

    Docker Daemon doesn’t listen on 2375 in Ubuntu

    By default, it’s using Unit Socket. We need to use TCP. Update the docker config service to add TCP: nano /lib/systemd/system/docker.service Somehow if we don’t add the real IP I still cannot access it through remote host but only through localhost Reload Daemon: systemctl daemon-reload Restart Docker: systemctl restart docker Verify: ps -aux | grep dockerd root 1575160 4.9 0.1 2710596 88768 ? Ssl 15:08 0:01 /usr/bin/dockerd -H tcp:// -H fd:// –containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock sudo netstat -lntp | grep dockerd tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1577963/dockerd Notes: I got this error: ERROR: for redis Cannot start service redis: failed to create shim: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused:…

  • Badminton,  Life

    7/2/2022 羽球不息

    男双 老龙Robyn vs GeorgeSimonhttps://youtu.be/IC4bVwEhrB8https://youtu.be/-EorKFfVnsYhttps://youtu.be/Hj-sZZihRlQ 老龙小飞 vs PaulLouishttps://youtu.be/Hj-sZZihRlQ 后面https://youtu.be/ZYUTj-Kxs6Ahttps://youtu.be/3OQe-M1OwHI MarkRobyn vs TimErichttps://youtu.be/kZ–_pjGRpohttps://youtu.be/KNPg81DRwZkhttps://youtu.be/AEEqK7VlRTA 老龙King vs JeffSimonhttps://youtu.be/Vb7gPO5rhIIhttps://youtu.be/-V0lvE8GX9g LiangqiBrian vs RaymondTerryhttps://youtu.be/7UHDHnBEDKIhttps://youtu.be/CPvi4CgkNUU BrianGary vs TimTerryhttps://youtu.be/dU3VKqZUf0E LiangQiBrian vs JeffRaymondhttps://youtu.be/pf_N165kOAk RandyEric vs MarkEthanhttps://youtu.be/Yv228GpU1Xc 女双 王颖Emma vs EmilyVickyhttps://youtu.be/pXBafTk4qfkhttps://youtu.be/LaeMffRnkJQ Shirley李颖 vs TiffanyIrenehttps://youtu.be/2h8VddBGMJshttps://youtu.be/acKBbEcOBdAhttps://youtu.be/phNiQ9c5m5Q Becka西风 vs 少敏Jenniferhttps://youtu.be/hnFvazNkO2Yhttps://youtu.be/tUq1bNP5Wyk EmmaGrace vs IreneVickyhttps://youtu.be/ztl29BCV-4whttps://youtu.be/2jXdUHSEBR8https://youtu.be/TUv_qIzKXJ8 BeckaJenny vs 少敏Gigihttps://youtu.be/ZETkWymbQughttps://youtu.be/9nKQNmD6Xfchttps://youtu.be/10U2y3V-M34 Becka王颖 vs TiffanyJenniferhttps://youtu.be/OjrTaJsC9eghttps://youtu.be/fn4cpdJYdychttps://youtu.be/FjWQ-w3eILAhttps://youtu.be/YjfH-t8qWsQ Stella李颖 vs Emily少妈https://youtu.be/C–YkJoaU_ohttps://youtu.be/ndTElCZNU1Ihttps://youtu.be/oPYe8evE7oQhttps://youtu.be/ujfM9u4WA1chttps://youtu.be/BDleMxaa-40 MeiJennifer vs Shirley西风https://youtu.be/NMMVNqGjPyc JennyGrace vs 少敏Tiffanyhttps://youtu.be/KyyQiRctZeQ 混双 EmilyGeorge vs Emma小飞https://youtu.be/sSUHUwb07qMhttps://youtu.be/cY4WsrOTy_0 ShirleyMark vs 少妈Timhttps://youtu.be/KzUSH60Dtgghttps://youtu.be/jw8qCjwyg6E StellaLiangqi vs IreneRandyhttps://youtu.be/2IUXzlAt6cwhttps://youtu.be/9amLqfXC6pw MeiRaymond vs 西风Brianhttps://youtu.be/eAhZcq1uMFo GraceGary vs GigiRaymondhttps://youtu.be/ad_LGcxl01E MeiRandy vs 影儿Samhttps://youtu.be/JjsGKpovUNw

  • AWS,  性能,  技术

    AWS back-of-envelope latency measure

    Network Roundtrip latency between two instances in the same AZ: sub-millisecond Roundtrip latency between two instances in a different AZ in the same Region: single-digit millisecond Data Transformation costs money. DynamoDB is cross-region replication by default so I assume normally it won’t cost money Data in/out ALB may not cost money if they are in same VPC (not sure) Service DynamoDB: Single-digit millisecond RDS: Single-digit millisecond Redis: sub-millisecond E2E The following data come from real traffic; and since our ECS is multi-region so the data includes traffic between different AZs. EC2 to Salesforce: p95 1s p50 0.6s (upsert) EC2 to DynamoDB: p95 around 20ms p50 20ms (read&write) EC2 to RDS:…

  • 工具,  技术


    欧路词典真的挺好用的,Mac版本需要150多块钱。 教程如下: 文字版 1.安装任意版本的欧路词典,打开一次并退出。 2.打开Finder前往”~/Library/Preferences”找到com.eusoft.eudic.plist文件。 3.使用PlistEdit Pro打开,修改MAIN_TimesLeft中的数值为820711(试用天数)。 4.将文件锁定、改为只读。 Notes: If you don’t have PlistEdit Pro, you can use https://github.com/ic005k/Xplist/releases/tag/1.2.47 Actually even the PlistEdit Pro shows expired it seems still saved the file anyways.

  • 技术,  网站

    After upgrading Ubuntu Workpress stopped working

    The reason is php got updated to 8. Just do: apt-get install php8.0-mysql And restart your apache sudo service apache2 restart Update on Jan 21, 2023 after upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04, all php shows source code: Then showing “`Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which Is required by WordPress`” again: