Paper size for printing photos
I was always thinking the normal print paper is A4, but when I try to use it to print borderless pictures. It turns out it should be US Letter. There is a slightly difference in size between US letter and A4. For normal printing with a border anyway, it doesn’t matter too much.
How to encrypt a file
We can use Zip with password but sometimes we just want to encrypt it or decrypt it directly. There is OpenPGP standard we can use. In Mac we can use https://www.gnupg.org/. Encryption with a password:
How to debug slowness of remote calls?
This is a good article: https://blog.cloudflare.com/a-question-of-timing/ This is my .curlrc file: --write-out "dnslookup: %{time_namelookup} | connect: %{time_connect} | appconnect: %{time_appconnect} | pretransfer: %{time_pretransfer} | starttransfer: %{time_starttransfer} | total: %{time_total} | size: %{size_download}\n" Run this curl Return:
Issues to switch to Xfinity Gateway (Router Changes)
There are several things we need to do to make things easier when change router You will run into following issues: Next time, if I want to change router, most of smart device would just work but I need to: Notes Limitation on the Xfinity Gateway Pending issue
MySQL cheatsheet
Save password in .mylogin.cnf
Electric Planner for Ebook
Tested in Kindle Scribe, works great! Download Link
Outside杂志中一篇文章讲了咖啡因和咖啡的区别。啰啰嗦嗦半天其实也没啥结论。不过文章中倒是有一些信息还挺有用的。 根据研究表明每千克体重摄取3-6毫克的咖啡会对运动有帮助。如果70公斤的话,那就是210毫克到420毫克。基本上星巴克的大杯咖啡需要2杯以上了。 下次比赛前可以试试。 奥运会的咖啡因标准是差不多4-5杯以内都没事。最佳饮用咖啡因的时间是运动前30-60分钟。 The specialists at Memorial Hermann | Rockets Sports Medicine Institute believes the optimum time to consume caffeine is 30 to 60 minutes prior to a sports activity and the optimum amount before endurance events is two to three cups of regular coffee. Caffeine can increase performance in endurance sports, but just like overtraining for a sport, too much of a good thing can actually hurt their performance. https://memorialhermann.org/services/specialties/rockets-sports-medicine-institute/sports-nutrition/caffeine-and-athletic-performance#:~:text=Calculating%20Caffeine%20Amounts&text=The%20acceptable%20caffeine%20limit%20for,the%20substance%20is%20considered%20illegal.
Breville Espresso Machine Descale/Cleaning
I always struggle to remember what’s descaling and what is cleaning. So here you are Blinking Cleanning. Push Single&Double button and then press Power button. Put tablet into the cage and let it run for 5 mins. Easy! Solid Light Descaling. Push Double button and then press Power button. Put scale powder into the water tank then do cycles.
Database Basis
Normalize & Denormalize Normalization is the technique of dividing the data into multiple tables to reduce data redundancy and inconsistency and to achieve data integrity. On the other hand, Denormalization is the technique of combining the data into a single table to make data retrieval faster.
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