• Gear,  Life

    Return policy from popular brands

    I would like to talk about the return policy from some popular brand. Actually they are a little bit different even overall they are all good. Patagonia I actually would say Patagonia has the best return policy. Both new and sale items can be returned without a set time limit. It just suggests that if you return because of the fit or color it would recommend to return in a timely matter and keep in new condition with tags. The thing is it’s just recommendation and you can always choose other reason to return (Admit it, many people do that..) Patagonia has a separate site Worn Wear which has separate…

  • 技术,  网络

    Useful network cheat sheet

    Check SSL openssl s_client -connect poynt.frontdoor.akadns.net:443 -showcerts Routing path: poynt.net (A) => dwccpvpm8ni1x.cloudfront.net (Poynt AWS) => poynt.frontdoor.akadns.net (CNAME) => poynt.us-east-1.fd.aws.gdcld.net (Envoy Proxy) => ALB => web

  • Camera,  Life

    Some useful tips for GH5

    I have been used big cameras for years but I still feel I don’t fully use the functionality out of it. I bought my GH5 4 years back but I just found several very useful features recently. Post Focus Mode This is very useful if you want to make sure the picture got focused. Simply choose the post focus mode if you want to make sure you got focused picture especially you just lend the camera to your friend to take a picture of you but they just don’t know how to use focus correctly. Especially GH5 is not really good at focus… The downside of this is it takes…

  • 工具,  技术

    Sublime Column Mode

    It’s very easy and the easiest way is just hold the middle mouse button and move the mouse. If you want to select specific lines. While you have selected the lines, loose the middle mouse button and hold “CMD” button and re-select new lines. If you want to subtract from selection, hold “CMD” and “Shift” instead. Alternative is hold “ctrl” and “shift” button and keep clicking “up” or “down” to select. Reference: https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/2/column_selection.html

  • Management,  技术

    How to build company culture?

    Managers and leaders play an important role to build up company culture. The culture may start with senior leadership team but every employee should be able to feel the culture. As a manager, what exactly we can do to build culture? Long term benefit over short term gain. As a manager, you need to make sure the code quality is good to be easily maintained and be able to scale for long term growth. Other than rush to delivery one feature. Everything should be able to be themselves. Create a flexible and open environment. Everybody is different, people may or may not want to show their face during Zoom call.…